Sunday, November 7, 2010

moving forward

Things are changing. I don't know if they are changing for the better or not yet, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. But because of the last week I have spent time with old friends and new friends and it's been quite nice. I miss Scott every minute of every day, but I am trying to keep myself busy.

I am starting school here within the next week or so and I'm really excited for that. It will keep me busy and distracted and give me a career. So, I can't complain. So in roughly 9 months or so I will have a whole new life, hopefully.

So on a not so happy note, I'm so annoyed with people who put their whole fucking personal business on blast via Facebook! Like, it's f*cking ridiculous. People don't need to know that shit, and if you want them to know it, f*cking text them or call them. Because your personal life doesn't effect just you! Bah! Ok, I feel better now. :D

Well, I'll fill you all in when I get my books and such for school. Have a happy November if I don't talk to you before. :D