Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year

My life has changed drastically in the past little while, but I am very excited for the new year. I have been single since October 30, this is the longest I've ever been single since I was 15 so I'm really proud of myself. I have some amazing friends that have been helping me get through this. Thank you all so very much. Especially Jake, he's going through a hard time himself right now and it means the world to me that he's there at 3 in the morning when I need to talk. Jake, you're always in my prayers as well as my family and other friends, but I'm sure you already know that. :D

I got moved to the office in Bountiful to be the manager there in November and on Monday I am getting moved to the Ogden office to be the manager there. Things just keep getting better and better for me in the work department.

I started school to become a wedding planner a little while ago. Who would have guessed. ME. A wedding planner. In high school and the year or so after high school I always said I wouldn't ever get married, that it just wasn't for me. I honestly didn't want anything to do with it. And now I want to plan that special day for people. I know that true love isn't dead and I want to be a part of their day. It's crazy how much I love doing it, I can't believe how well it fits me.

On that same note, I plan on moving back east this coming September to plan weddings in NY. I'm scared shitless, I'm not going to lie. But if everything goes according to plan I will be moving with one of my best friends. I'm so excited! I really really hope that everything works out. Even if this friend of mine can't move with me I still plan on moving, it will be a bit harder to move alone but I feel like this is right for me.

Well, I have a ton of errands to run and wedding stuff to plan out for Bee and Penny so I will catch up with you all a little later! <3

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