Monday, August 31, 2009

Are they really the 'good 'ol times'?

I was looking at some pictures on facebook and saw some pictures of my old friends. Both when we were all still hanging out and new ones without me. It made me realize that yes, I do miss them from time to time. I miss how close we all were and how we were like family.

Does everyone else feel like this sometimes? From time to time I feel like I abandoned them, but in a way they abandoned me too. So who's in the wrong for us not being like a family anymore? Is it me for moving on and finding someone new? Or is it them for not forgiving me for finding someone new, who might I add makes me extremely happy. I thought they would want that for me, if not all of them at least my 'best friend'. I try to talk to them from time to time, but its really just small talk. They don't really care what I've been up to and I don't really care what they've been up to. So maybe we're both to blame...

But seeing those pictures also made me realize that I am in such a better place now. Its sad that we all have to grow up and move on sometimes but that's just the way life is. I am so happy with where I am right now (except for the job situation but I'm working on it), and know that I would be stuck in the same old rut if I had stayed where I was 9 months ago. :D

It's nice when you wake up (not literally) one day and see how perfect everything really is. But on the other hand its hard because you, at least I do, feel like you are taking things for granted. I'm really trying to work on that, but its a working progress. One day at a time. :D

Oh, I wanted to share this with you... I am reading this book called "Morality Tale" by Sylvia Brownrigg. The beginning is about this woman who is married to a man with an ex wife and two little boys and how hard it has been for her to play that role. The first hundred pages or so talks about this man she meets, his background, her background, and her husband's background. To me, the woman is having an emotional affair. And in the summary they call her a 'heroine'. That is not heroic to me. She may not have touched this other man yet, but to me, it's still cheating. What do you think? Hmm... I'm baffled. Because some of the people I've talked to about it think it is completely harmless. Maybe I am just changing as I grow up and as I realize what true love is. Or maybe it's just two different opinions. Here are some of this 'heroine's' ideas:
"Nobody wants to be a second a country where a divorce occurs every thirty seconds, there will be a sizable number of divorcees getting remarried. Therefore, second wives. If it turns out to be you, if that's the straw you happen to draw--tough luck. You're never going to get the kind of joy you might have hoped for when you walk into a marriage that used to belong to somebody else. it's like moving into a new house that still has half the previous owners furniture in it. You'd like to get rid of the all-plaid living room set, but somehow you're suck with it, forever."
So, it's funny right. But still very very cruel and sad. How could you think this of your marriage/husband.
Here she is talking about how her husband would lie to his then wife about where he was while he was with our 'heroine':
"This was not edifying to watch, though it did provoke reflections on how different adultery must have been in the olden days, when we were not able to track one another with the ruthless precision we have now, chasing our loved ones with queries and ringtones. Trust must have been a great airy balloon in those days, light and round and full of mystery, because the weeks would have long hours in them during which you'd have no expectation of speaking with your spouse or beloved (if these happened to be one and the same person). A few years from now infidelity will be even more of a challenge, as jealous partners the world over will implant chips in the other's wrist so they can monitor his or her geographies on a screen set up in the bedroom."
Now, as true as this is, it still bothers me. I normally read to get away from my own thoughts and to relax for a little bit, but this book is not helping me to relax. Yes, it is a good story, but it's so sad and upsetting. And not in the "Romeo and Juliet" or "The Great Gatsby" kind of sad. It's just not sitting well with me...

1 comment:

  1. You are sweet love. I am glad to know that you think that everything is perfect. Because I couldn't ever want it any other way. And I am glad that you are ok with moving on because we all have to do that sometimes.
    As for you book...I totally agree with you. Not heroine at all. I think that an emotional affair is not harmless at all and is potentially worse than just a sex affair. I'm glad you think that too. PS...I love you more than anything and I think your book is stupid in the way that it looks at a lot of things. Love you, and I miss you right now. I can't wait to see you later tonight
