Tuesday, September 15, 2009

biracial and multiracial

I am watching Tyra right now and its about biracial and multi racial people.
There is this boy who is half African American and half Hispanic. He is so angry for being half Mexican. Its so frustrating that there are people like this. He is hurting his mom. He is sitting there on stage calling black people 'ghetto' and Mexican people as 'low class' which is so crazy to me.
Kimberly Locke is a special guest on the show today and said something I really liked. She said "everyone in this room has experienced some sort of racism, but you just need to get over it. Hold your head up high and move on." I completely agree with her. Just because something has happened to you, or you have learned some sort racial stereotype does not mean you have any right to act like this. Just because you had a bad experience with one isolated experience doesn't mean you should hate everyone of that race. If that was the case you wouldn't like anyone.
I wonder if these people realize how much they are hurting their parents. They are rejecting that one side of themselves. I feel so bad for their parents. They are rejecting that side that made them. wow. Crazy.

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