Thursday, August 26, 2010


Scott & I got into a little tiff today, what about doesn't maytter. All that matters is that I was upset and my mom calls. She instantly knows something is bothering me and miraculously she calms me down in less than 3 minutes. She has been doing this since my birth; from friends, to boys, to my dad, to my siblings. I've always been one to be a bit on the emotional side and sometimes a bit dramatic as well, I would have fit it well with the drama nerds that filled my high school choir, well high school in general. ;D Anywho, the point of all this is that I have an amazing mother. I know a lot of people look down on the relationship that we have, but I wouldn't want it any other way. Most girls fight with their moms when they are in their teens, myself included, but it takes them a while to become friends with their mom. My mom and I skipped that part, we have always been close and I'm so thankful for that. It scares me to think what trouble I would have gotten into had I not been able to talk to my mom about everything. So I'm sorry to the people who disagree with the way my mother raised me and to those who don't understand our relationship & bond. But I love it!

She is the most incredible person I have ever met. She always puts her family first and does what ever she can just to put a smile on their faces. She goes out of her way to make the people in her life feel special and loved. And she has such a big heart. There are plenty of things that have been said to my mother that she has just brushed off and turned the other cheek, there have been people who have hurt her and she's welcomed them back with open arms. She is so level headed and calm. I'm not sure how she does it, but I hope that one day I can be a little like her. She truely is an amazing person.

I read some where that at the age of 4; mom knows everything. At the age of 8; she knows a lot. At 12; mom doesn't really know everything. At 14; mom doesn't know anything at all. At 16; mom doesn't exist. At 18; she's old fashioned. At 25; maybe mom does know about this. At 35; before we decide, let's ask mom. At 45; I wonder what mom things. At 75; I wish I could ask mom about this. Reading this made me laugh because I know I felt at some points in my life that my own mamma didn't know anything. But then it also made me a little sad because there are people who never get past some of those younger stages in life. And I'm not sure who is at fault for this, but its still sad.

Anywho, now I'm just rambling. Back to my point; I just wanted to let my mamma know how much she is loved by both me and my baby brother. I hope she knows we think about her and send our love her way every single day. And every single day I appreciate everything she has done for us. <3

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